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Can someone please make a video instruction from downloading to running the programm?

Will future versions include a male player character?


what training data was used for this?  just curious cus i'd be down to try this out, but i don't want things getting scraped off of my hard drive.

It's just the vanilla instruct version of Mistral AI's NeMo 12B (compressed by bartowski). Nothing you type ever leaves your machine, dialog is only stored in your save file.

good to know, just gotta be careful with this type of stuff.  will check this out!

Are there guides somewhere on how to use this? I'm new to kobold, and unsure how to get this program running.

Got KoboldCPP launched, have my browser open with a tab connected to the default port, and have the model loaded but nothing is really happening.

Everything should set itself up automatically when you start the game, as long as the model file is in the right place.

If you don't have the game on an SSD it might take a while before it's done loading.

nevermind, i was an idiot and downloaded the model file but not the file you actually linked in the itch page lol...

this shit bussin